The Production Plant of Invento Ltd Company is located in the Special Economic Zone in Gardno. In the area of 10 thousand sqm Invento Ltd. has its own facility, including production and warehouse hall with a total area of over 3 thousand sqm with full infrastructure supporting.
Factory is designed for 24/7 operations. Pallet units with finished goods, used by the company, are applicable to truck and container transport.
Wentworth Tech, USA
The Sheboygan production facility is located in central US near major highways and rail systems for efficient transport to all other regions in North America.
The factory is equipped in blow moulding machine with current production capacity of 75 million cans annually. The facility is designed for rapid future increase in production capacity up to 150 million PET cans annually.
Esterform, UK
Gardno, Polska
The location of the facility allows to utilize excellent road infrastructure and the nearby seaport for transport.
The plant produces innovative PET cans, protected by law and patented in over 100 countries. The installed production lines are fully automated and controlled by an advanced manufacturing process and quality control system.
Its equipment allows the production of beverages – flavored waters, juices, energy drinks, vitamin, saturated with CO2 and others.
The production lines park includes two high efficient lines for PET cans and two high advanced lines for beverages production – both in cold technology and hot filling technology.
The beverage production is based on pasteurisation process, including flow technique and with the use of the pasteurisation tunnel.
Products can be labeled with the shrink label and sensitive pressure label.
The plant has a capacity of producing 160 million empty cans annually.
The plant has a capacity of outputting 100 million filled drinks annually.
The development plans for the plant are expecting an expansion in the production facilities and the construction of administrative and office facilities.
Szanowni Państwo. Na naszych stronach używamy technologii, takich jak pliki cookie live chat i formularz kontaktowy. Zbierane i przetwarzane dane osobowe dają nam możliwość analizowania ruchu na stronie i w Internecie. Live chat i formularz kontaktowy służy nam do komunikowania się z Państwem i zbierania informacji o Państwa potrzebach. Przesłane przez Państwa dane wykorzystujemy do zbudowania dla Państwa ofert handlowych, informowania o naszych produktach i możliwościach oferowanej przez Pet Can Technology technologii. Klikając przycisk „Przejdź do serwisu” zgadzacie się Państwo na postanowienia naszej polityki przetwarzania danych osobowych. Prosimy zapoznać się z postanowieniami naszej polityki przetwarzania danych osobowych.